Marathon Man

This actually happened. About two years ago, I was training for a marathon and injured my right knee. I practically gave up essentially due to the injury and didn't run much thereafter until this May. Last night, my partner and I decided to go for a run, but didn't put any numerical value on what we wanted to achieve. We just wanted to get a run in the books before the work week commences. By the third mile, I felt like I broke a good enough sweat and I honestly didn't feel my best, but we hadn't gone less than 6 miles since May 5th, so why stop now. We pushed and pushed and eventually made it to a little past 13.1 miles and the end result was exhilarating, painfully sweet and triumphant, as if we just won a championship.

The moral of this story is, don't be the victim of overthinking. If there's something out there that you want to achieve, no matter how hard it may seem, just act on your impulse to DO. Everything else will work itself out from there, but just START.

I believe in YOU.

