The Odds

The odds that we place against ourselves start within. It's an inside job greater than any odds another being can place against you. The objective is to conquer the battle within and if we succeed, no force formed against us will prosper.

A lot of the issues we have we create and in that creation of the problem, we ignore the source. Comparing ourselves and our circumstances to others most often is the culprit. When we focus on ourselves and dedicate ourselves to creating an environment of love and understanding, there aren't any odds because we are one and connected fully to living. The word "odds" is often times used as a negative connotation. The oddity of society, of life, to me is beautiful. Odds are meant to be conquered, obstacles, hard times, strife are all oddities which show a different complexion to life. We must continuously build our mental makeup to be this "When I'm at peace with myself, I'm at peace with all that transpires in my journey". Once we are at that point, nothing is ever odd, it is supposed to happen because life is imperfect and we then become even.

