Freedom Is Your Choice

Many things come to mind when I think of what freedom is. There's the dictionary's version of the word and there's the version based upon ones point of view. My belief along with my life's experiences color freedom as, the ability to stay true to self. I believe there's no other way to be free than to act from the sphere of which God (higher power) constructed you.

We are in a world where popularity dictates what "works" what's "cool", how we should dress, think, act. To be honest, it is quite astonishing how influential those we perceive to be in power are. There's only one true divine power. The other power is derived from him and it is what we draw from to act instinctively (our gut, reflexes, intuition). 

We all are uniquely gifted and talented and there lies a deep reservoir of innate abilities that make us different from each other. The greatest freedom is to be who you are and unlock those innate traits and that is done by not playing follow the leader or following the societal norm. Being who you are explicitly and defying the odds not only of which others have placed in your path, but also the roadblocks or mental blocks YOU manifested within should be striped of all its power in order to spring forward.

Be yourself, for that is the greatest freedom and you will soar beyond any height you've ever envisioned.

Be well, be true, be you,
