Stay in your lane

The world today is different. With many different outlets of expression, due to social media being the juggernaut that it is, it is easy to lose focus. We sometimes peak into other people's windows to see how they're living instead of focusing on how we are living and how we can get better within the walls of our own temple. Happiness is that ONE element that is elusive and that EVERYONE is seeking to find consistently in life. If happiness is what we truly seek, it must start by us cultivating it within and by manifesting it by what we chose to consume. Everything now is of public consumption, workout routines, makeup tutorials, gurus in every field of play and the mistake we make is thinking that what glitters is gold. We become so consumed with this idea of perfection, how others live and how they project this aura of a settled, easy going life that we begin to process it and construct or destruct our lives in that pursuit of trying to be like the others.

Stay true to yourself and stay on your course. Infringing upon others lane is when the collision commences. God has blessed you and has crafted your lane with many obstacles, challenges and triumphs meant to fortify your strength. Don't be fooled and misled in thinking that your life isn't enough, that because your life isn't like who you admire, it demeans your worth. Stay vigilant, diligent, be patient, persevere and trust the process.

