Brain Fuel

"You are what you eat."

We've all heard those words uttered plenty of times either in passing by burgeoning health enthusiasts, nutritionists that have mastered the art of discipline or by folks that are en route to that all too famous destination of "I'm going to get it right".  Interestingly enough, I'm a product of what I once ate, that would mean that I have the characteristics of a Sheep, Goat, Cow, Fish and many other items that I never consistently consumed to even be mentioned. Now that makes for one eccentric mix, so please bear with my peculiar ways! However, for the past two weeks, I've been riding the wave of being a newly crowned Vegetarian...hoping somehow that turbulence along the way won't get the best of me or destroy my newly grown roots.

I naturally have an energy that shares a border between enthusiastic and hyper, as I'm sure some of you may share that common thread. I've been learning along the way what I must resist and what I should consume more of, in order to keep my faculties in order and sharp over... let's say the next several decades (God willing). I've consumed more vegetables, more fruits, I've already been juicing for the past 2 years (shout out to my Nutri Bullet and GNC juicer *wink*), still learning how to incorporate different kinds of protein into the cycle, but it's been a great challenge. Delightful. Blissful.

This may seem ridiculously odd, I know, but my energy has longer lasting stamina...and it STEMS from my change of diet. What we eat is just as important as our thoughts and the things we choose to mentally digest. I've learned that, BRAIN Food, can fuel our productivity, the characteristics of our personality that are extraordinary, our relationships in life, our perspective and the choices we make, which in turn, lead to a greater quality of Life! Isn't that just a beautiful thing? What makes life so amazingly awesome is, we can at any time, change course, shift our focus and go through a renaissance, rebirth, a revival of self so to speak. Moreover, it starts with us, as we're the ignition switch.

I continue to remind myself on a daily basis that it all starts with PURPOSE and that will shape our lives to our desired color portrait.

Strive to be your best self!

Samuel Muriithi
