A Happy Heart Leads A Healthy Life.

Tranquility is the key to vitality and longevity.

If we could forgive, give the benefit of the doubt more than we condemn and rush to judge, many of the things which are crippling our world, including relationships would be nonexistent. You see, in many of my experiences in life, I've thrived on building relationships, with an easy going nature. I never try to hunt for things not to like about anyone, because if we dig enough, we'll find faults and patterns perhaps which will turn us off.  However, no human being is without sin or infallible. I've been misunderstood, judged, condemned in ways that probably would be perceived as unwarranted or unfair as many of you have, but it's how we interpret the entire scope of a situation that keeps us from the self-inflicting wounds that scar us.
When dealing with people, the theme that always runs in my head is "be patient and try to figure out where he/she is coming from, because we are unaware of what people may be going through".  Let's detoxify this world and build each other up by inspiring, empathizing, demonstrating love, kindness, peace and understanding. Remember, holding onto resentment causes more wear and tear on the body and mind, more than any arduous workout.

Be of peace. One love,

