The Fog

"Fog is a temporary state to which the mind is suppressed due to a low level of perspective in the given moment."

I'm quoting myself with the above, but it's a thought I had as I was enamored with the picturesque, yet perplexing vision of the skyline of the fog as I was jogging along the Hudson river, realizing too that it is a beautifully dangerous disguise. I can say that I've had my share of bouts with having a foggy outlook in given moments due to things not happening as quickly as I would love them to or on my timetable. I'm sure you have as well. 

However, what being in the fog does, is it thoroughly exercises our faith, our lot in life and even forces us to take a hard look at whether we are basking in the rays of light to which gratitude provides.  Being in the fog or in a state of mind that is foggy, forces us to ask questions centered on the "Why" and sometimes even "What". We even answer our questions (which isn't constructive) and give all kinds of answers under our breathe, as we've figured it all out, conspiracy theories and all, but we really haven't. 

Let me use our respective careers as an example as to how we sometimes drive ourselves bonkers with the "Why" and "What":

*We ask:

-"Why is it taking so long?"
-"What's going on?"
-"What's happening?"
-"Why is it happening for him/her and not me?"

*Instead, pause, slow yourself down and meditate on:

-"Why do I want to get to the destination so fast?"
-"What happens after I get THERE and is there a destination point beyond that?"
-"Why am I judging myself based upon the time it is taking me to get there?"
-"Why am I zooming past the rest stops and not enjoying the journey..the inn..? Why am I missing all the scenery around me and for what?" 

If we just persevere through the mental hurdles and exercise patience, we'll be farther along, maybe not immediately on the surface per se, but in regards to mental rest and peace of mind, which leads to a greater sense (euphoric even) of perspective. If we do that, we'll be on the better road to understanding our lot in life and how everything is constructed to happen when it happens and for a specific reason.. Please remember that, before you harm that wonderful brain of yours and all the positive energy you possess within.

Our lives are fully realized not by what we do for ourselves, but the imprint to which we leave the world and the generation to follow, so instead of driving in the fog, ask yourself the questions that will engage, enlighten and instead ask questions to facilitate change for self and the world we live in.

Keep your headlights clean..




Unknown said…
Very well said. Continue this path and trust that is the right one. I'm proud of you....keep shining, my friend.
Samuel M said…
Thank you my man! I always appreciate your words and what you have to say. You too, keep on shining! You're going places. Be blessed, soon.