Night Reflections.. | Energy

Be mindful of your energy for it is everything. Cultivating the seeds of Positivity within starts with gratitude, humility and thanks. Gravitate towards those with great energy, those who are passionate about life. Knowing who you are helps a great deal because it allows you to be free, open, honest, transparent, selfless and those elements help to unlock your greatest potential in my humble opinion. I feel that if wealth was measured strictly by positive energy/enthusiasm, we'd be Billionaires or fairly poor depending... I personally feed off of those elements because that's what I've got. Being defined by Talent, possessions/things, good looks isn't it. Our positive energy can do far more good for ourselves, the world, the culture in our workplace our homes in the lives of others more than anything else in this life.

Be mindful..

Peace, Love, Light & Blessings,
