Sustainable Motivation

I sat around a table with my closest allies the other day, and as we watched, laughed and listened to a backdrop of wonderful music, the topic of motivation came up. We went around the table answering "What are you motivated by?" and I was moved by some of the most vivid depictions, as I traveled along the road they painted in my imagination as to what drives them.

I know these people and I also know what phony answers sound know the answers you give to "fit in" in order to be socially accepted or to elicit a positive response. As the night moved on,  this roundtable discussion was becoming like a perfect game of spin the bottle, as the bottle turned to me and I paused.. gathered my thoughts and said "sustainable motivation to me is like a world in which mankind aren't driven by things or objects. It's the perfect conversation between pupil and master etched in your mind, as to how the world works, the idea that things are "perishable" and that your existence on earth at each and every waking hour is to learn, improve and progress. That to me is sustainable motivation.

You shouldn't be motivated by things or create this idea of motivation from off of someone's achievements, because more times than not, it'll create resentment, a feeling of underachieving or unworthiness. Your goals and the direction in which you take to achieve them should be your motivation.

Peace & Blessings,
