TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
One thing I’ve noticed is that so many people are walking around who aren’t really living to the full the way God intends. Do you ever notice that many people quit living around fifty, but yet they are going to stay on the planet until after they’re eighty? Maybe they went through a disappointment or had a failure. Someone hurt them, and now they’ve lost their joy and settled where they are. No, God has another victory in store! You wouldn’t be breathing unless God had something amazing in your future. It’s time to get your passion back and be determined to really live out all of your God-given days!
The scripture says that God wants to bring you to a flourishing finish, not a fizzled-out finish. Don’t let disappointment or self-pity hold you back. God has promised that what was meant for your harm He will turn around and use for your good. Not only will He bring you out, but He will bring you out better off than you were before. Receive it by faith today and press forward into the abundant, fulfilled life He has in store for you!
Father God, thank You for the promise of living a long, satisfied life. I choose to stay in the game and press forward to fulfill my destiny. I won’t shrink back, give up or lose heart, but I will stand strong in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
Have a super Friday folks!