As I listen to the sounds of Mr. Duke Ellington and Mr. John Coltrane, I reflect on questions I've been asked rather frequently as of late. The questions go a little something like "Sam, why are you always smiling?" or "Sam, how do you stay positive all the time?" I do not pretend to be an omnipotent force that's obvlious to life's struggle. However, I always felt that we are the gatekeepers to what we decide to internalize and what we discard. My friends often call me to vent in order to clear their minds, because they know I will listen, but what I find most interesting is they've compromised their own happiness by letting someone infiltrate their psyche.
Life presents to use challenges that we face everyday. A constant game of tug-o-war if you will, but you are in the driver's seat when conducting the game, meaning you control your circumstances. Deep down in the valley of your mind, resides a place that I call the dark room. You expose the useless, the thoughts which only corrupt the mind and any other source of negativity. The dark room in reality is symbolic to those five, ten or fifteen minutes you have alone to yourself in the day where you reflect. During that time, you should dig deep down inside of yourself and think about things that can only manifest nothing but success, stability, peace and whatever stimulates you is the energy you must put forth on a daily basis. Even daydreaming allows for you to go places deep into the valley of the mind and detox momentarily.
That is what I constantly work at in order to cultivate my happiness, spiritual growth and that is what keeps me in a vibrant state often. Visit the valley's in your mind and the more in depth you're willing to go, the more at peace your mind will be.
Yours Truly,
Life presents to use challenges that we face everyday. A constant game of tug-o-war if you will, but you are in the driver's seat when conducting the game, meaning you control your circumstances. Deep down in the valley of your mind, resides a place that I call the dark room. You expose the useless, the thoughts which only corrupt the mind and any other source of negativity. The dark room in reality is symbolic to those five, ten or fifteen minutes you have alone to yourself in the day where you reflect. During that time, you should dig deep down inside of yourself and think about things that can only manifest nothing but success, stability, peace and whatever stimulates you is the energy you must put forth on a daily basis. Even daydreaming allows for you to go places deep into the valley of the mind and detox momentarily.
That is what I constantly work at in order to cultivate my happiness, spiritual growth and that is what keeps me in a vibrant state often. Visit the valley's in your mind and the more in depth you're willing to go, the more at peace your mind will be.
Yours Truly,