During a short stint in my life, I had gone through a stage where I THOUGHT I never had time to work out consistently. Being a former athlete and one who participated in athletics my entire life, it was a rather confusing stage. I had created every imaginable excuse as to why I didn't have time, and as I did some deep soul searching, I figured out that the problem was an internal matter. An animosity had grown from within between my mental and physical faculties. My mental would always claim that it has done enough for the day, while my physical felt rather rejuvenated.
Working out is one of the most prominent ways in keeping your MIND, let alone your BODY, at it's peak performance. I realized this and promised myself that I will never let myself down or rely on fancy gym memberships to ensure that I will keep myself FIT.
Here's what I found out though, when talking with my peers. The reason why many of them say they don't work out is because they lack time, they are too tired at the days end or because when they do work out to start off the day, it takes away from their energy. ALL of those reasons are cop outs! 1) There are 24 hours in a day, which means you can carve out AT LEAST 25 minutes to do some jumping jacks, push ups, power walking, jump rope or some yoga stretches. 2) If you work out in the morning before work, you wouldn't have to burden yourself to workout at the days end. In fact, studies have shown that those that live a healthy lifestyle which included working out in the morning, often have a higher and more positive morale at work, are more productive and have great work habits, and get along more cohesively with their work mates.
Here are the pieces of equipment I keep to ensure consistency:
A) Billy Blanks Ultimate Boot Camp DVD (and a few of his other DVD's)
B) A Weighted Jump Rope
C) Resistance Cords
D) Perfect Push Up bars
E) A Medicine Ball
F) And Nature (Walking, Running, Jogging, Biking, Hiking, etc).
I urge you all you who claim to have limited time, to invest in one or a few of these pieces to build upon a healthy and complete lifestyle.
Remember, longevity is the key... Keep yourself active and take those steps to keep yourself young.
By Yours Truly,