What exactly is Thanksgiving?
Answers could very well vary, depending on who you ask. However, the one constant is thanks is the epicenter of it all.
This time of the year gets tricky because we are brainwashed by the news medium and other factions on how we should feel and think about certain holidays (i.e. Thanksgiving/Christmas). I sat back and observed what others said today (TV, Friends, Internet), especially on Facebook, where everyone has established their own legion of followers and the status update is as powerful as a state of the union address. Everyone gives their Turkey/gobble talk, but one flaw is the notion that 'thanks' should only be celebrated on this one day. I've heard news anchors STRESS that this is the day that everyone should give thanks and so forth.
What we fail to realize is that we must give thanks to God, to our loved ones, to our family, to everyone instrumental in our lives on a daily basis. GIVING THANKS should be an everyday thing, and not a drummed up phenomenon based on the gathering over turkey and all other fine foods. THANKS is a celebration of life. Let's practice that.