We are in a world where there are many escapes, roads of travel, people of different ancestry and so forth. In many cases, we know nothing of most of the people we cross paths with, unless we take the precious time to get to know people as they are. What happens in most cases, especially in America, is we judge people from face value alone, and from that point fail to give people the chance to rectify any blemish that they may have created in our mind.
However, deep inside every soul is the WANT and NEED factor to be loved and appreciated. This want and need can be triggered by many things, but if we could all just listen, not hear, but listen to people intently, that alone can help clear all of what ails society today. Many people make foolish decisions because they have no outlet and in most cases have no one to talk to, no one to listen to them.
There are so many tragic things happening in the world today: People losing their life because of health ailments, catastrophic events (i.e; haiti earthquake amongst others), the loss of teen (toddler) life, etc. The one thing we all can do better, since wealth and status isn't everything, is LISTEN more actively. With every phrase uttered, follows some sort of punctuation. Try and make a difference before the full stop.
Cheers and God Bless,
However, deep inside every soul is the WANT and NEED factor to be loved and appreciated. This want and need can be triggered by many things, but if we could all just listen, not hear, but listen to people intently, that alone can help clear all of what ails society today. Many people make foolish decisions because they have no outlet and in most cases have no one to talk to, no one to listen to them.
There are so many tragic things happening in the world today: People losing their life because of health ailments, catastrophic events (i.e; haiti earthquake amongst others), the loss of teen (toddler) life, etc. The one thing we all can do better, since wealth and status isn't everything, is LISTEN more actively. With every phrase uttered, follows some sort of punctuation. Try and make a difference before the full stop.
Cheers and God Bless,