The thought of that sounds totally odd one might say, but hear me out. I know that there are many older people that may not fully agree, but that discussion is for another day.
With the whirlwind of Health Care talks heating up, as different factions have been sparring over who's wrong and who's right, here is what is right.
Your body is your temple so they say, correct? So why would one wait for their body to deteriorate, for them to then seek remedies of Health Care, which in this case is prescription drugs and so forth? I strongly feel that if people can be more accountable for the things they consume, Health Care would not only be a necessity, but more so a bonus. Now, with the amount of diseases and infections roaming the earth, one could argue that Health Care is a necessity. I too agree, but I do not think it should be a crutch for those few individuals out there that want to live by the pill and not by the good of what nature has bestowed upon us.
For example, there are many people that have Diabetes amongst other illnesses and they still choose to eat poorly and not take care of themselves, because Health Care has them covered with what they need. Even if your illness is hereditary, it doesn't mean that it's the end of the world. You should at that point be even more in tune with your body and it's nutritional needs. Moreover, you should take care of your body, exercise 4 to 5 times a week, consume your daily 8 glasses of water a day, get your 6-8 hours of sleep a day, consume the mind with positivity and then Health Care could then be your secret weapon or trump card if you will..
You should be your own Health Care System no matter what decision will be made here in the near future. You have more governing power over your body than anyone else does.