Count your blessings is one of those famous phrases we often hear. I've been hearing it for so long, that it became tiresome and somewhat nauseating at one point. I think I speak for everyone when I draw on past and even present experiences of failure. It's inevitable, yet the feeling of failure and the encounter with it does something invaluable to the human soul. It builds resolve and character. Ok, so remember the "count your blessings" phrase I used earlier? Well, I just got the news that I've been given a time slot for a regional lottery audition, where I will get to perform my monologue, in hopes of working with the many TV Producers and Filmmakers in attendance. I count myself lucky in a sense, because I draw on experiences that could have made me miserable, yet I stayed true to myself and remained committed to my values. It's easy to give up in a world that is so cold, but it sure does feel good once you see that your work ethic allows you to open even more doors. We've all been blessed with the innate ability to fight the odds, but it is the special people that tap into that ability that basks in the success that comes because of it.
Keep on striving for the best and put your best foot forward and who knows where you'll land. But that thought alone sure is a great start to what might be a happy ending..