The Pursuit....

It dawned on me yesterday evening, driving down an unusually lit highway, on how close I was to a dream. So much of our efforts go toward trying, that we sometimes forget to take a step back to see how far we've progressed. I usually try not to dwell on mishaps, but in this particular case, it's something I wanted badly. I felt like Michael Jordan in a sense, mightily going through the motions, trying to knock down the big bear or bully rather, which happened to be the Pistons for many years. It's just that the position I'm in is a bit juxtaposed, and that elusive "big break" continues to tease me as I get closer.

As I continued to drive down the highway, which at that point, the clouds began to darken almost simultaneously as my thoughts began to shutter, I thought of something. There is a phrase my Mother used to always say when things seemed a bit bleak. She would say "God won't let you down. He will give you what you need, when you need it. Not when you want it". As I got on the exit ramp, the epiphany of life and opportunity set in as I made a series of right turns. You can either continue to go on that high speed chase toward your dreams or you can go left on that exit ramp, as I chose not to, and crash.
