Somewhere along the line of life, you've heard the saying that it is better to give than to receive. Growing up in my household and befriending people from different walks of life that practice that phrase, should mean that I'm lucky, RIGHT? Well yes and no. Part of my luck would be attributed to my beliefs still remaining sound, despite wandering in a world where the smog of selfishness and negativity permeate the environment. On the other hand, I shouldn't be considered as lucky because I haven't done my part effectively to change anything, though the attempts are many.

While watching Joel Osteen this past Sunday Morning, he talked about this very subject entitled "Givers Versus Takers" and I listened intently with pen in hand. You see, the pen had already been primed, as I planned to write on this very subject, except many thoughts overcame me at a time which derailed my train of thoughts. The thing I took away from this sermon was the fact that we (I) have control over how we allow others to use or manipulate us. Joel used an example where there are friends in life we grew up with or met along the way that only care for SELF. They will pose as if they care about your best of interests, only to later squeeze whatever they can from you, to then prey on the next individual who's full of meekness and solid values. This topic and even story of life, is reminiscent of a roach that has many lives, even if you were to stomp on it several times. Individuals that have the TAKERS trait embedded in their psyche or way of life might at times be difficult to detect. However, if you are one with life and live with a purpose, it is imperative that you rid yourself from such people because they pose as deadly toxins, that could influence the way in which you live NEGATIVELY.

Next Blog 8/26: Topic: "Status Quo For Braggers: Am I Bragging Enough?"
