Listening is an integral part of the communication process correct? In other words, if the receiver wasn't getting clear and concise messages, how then would the sender actually communicate effectively? It wouldn't be possible in other words. I sincerely feel that communication is dwlindling in this day and age because there are so many outlets brainwashing the receivers. We now have Facebook, Twitter and Myspace acting as toxins, that in essence, will end whatever that is left of effective communication.
Remember when the email was THE tool for means of communication? Business and all else were discussed by email, if not by phone. Now, you can send someone an email and not hear from them, only to then log onto Myspace and Facebook and see that they've updated their status messages hundreds of times. I had a friend tell me recently, that he had a brief meeting with an individual in Manhattan, to line up a potential opportunity. Do you know what the end result was? A no show on the behalf of the individual. My friend out of curiosity logged on to his Facebook account via Blackberry, to try and contact him, since that was the only other option and noticed something disheartening. He discovered that this individual had uploaded a photo album, statuses galore and was boasting about his night before celebrity experiences. I felt for my friend, because this is a growing and scary trend in today's America.
People nowadays, would rather tell you that they love you through a means which they are most comfortable, in fear of being vulnerable. People would be quick to tell you how busy they are, as to why they couldn't contact you, but yet they spend half of their life online. A lot of individuals, sadly, need these other means of communication to reach out in the world because in the words of Dale Carnegie, human beings seek the feeling of being important. They would go at great lengths to a) remind you of how awesome they are b) broadcast their daily life as if everyone needs to know c) You fill in the rest..
I just hope that at some point in time, the world turns upside down and people begin to go back to being HUMAN again and NOT Robots.