I was talking to a friend of mine today, whose name I will not disclose, and we talked about the uncontrollable feeling that brews within. He has a lot of things on his plate, as he caters to those in his life that need him most (i.e, Daughter, Parents, Career, etc). He says he often gets this feeling of pressure where his body oozes with inner steam, as if he were cooking vegetables, and he asked me how to cope with it. Now, I seem to have an answer to some things, but certainly not all, but I decided to tackle this matter by sharing my nugget of knowledge with everyone. Of course, my answer isn't going to be one that isn't common with how many think, but sometimes people do not apply what it is they think is common knowledge to whatever it is that may be ailing them. For instance, we know that seat belts are for protective purposes, yet people still choose not to wear them for comfort reasons.
Anyhow, pressure in my opinion intermingles with a few of it's relatives which are stress and worry. Worry has this ability to aggravate stress, which it then triggers the inner emotional combustion I call pressure. Simply, if you can remove one of the most dominating elements in regards to the human psyche (worry), the stress factors would then minimize greatly leading to less or no pressure at all.
That is my food for thought lesson for now..