What better way to come back into the writing scene than the Summer period. I've been away for so long that I cannot figure out where I should start, in my quest to blogging about something interesting. Well, I'm partly lying since I'm sure by the time I finish with this blog, it will at least be intriguing to me as I try and decipher what the hell it is I'm talking about. NOW it's been such a long time, again, since I've blogged but there have been a few good things in the world that have taken place, but a lot more.... well I'll say things that are a bit undesirable.
We just recently lost some magnetic personalities in Ed Mcmahon, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Mr. Billy Mays, the face of Oxy Clean. Of course there are a few other prominent people that have passed, along with regular everyday folk and they will be missed for sure as well.
To pile on to the list of this year, we have what they are calling an Economic struggle. I've struggled to come up with a word to describe this "struggle" in the entire world and the best way I could analogize this situation would be in vain of a Doctor's visit gone wrong. You're sitting in the Doctor's chair, the one as comfortable as a couch mind you, and he begins to drill your molars out one by one without any anesthesia. Now, this of course is an illustration of exaggerated proportions, but that is the picture I wanted to paint.
However, with just under half of the year left, I get the feeling that things will begin to take shape in a more positive light. I get the hunch that few Governors will cheat less on their wives, just a hunch, that Aviation will begin to inspect Aircrafts a bit better, instead of tightening their budget on peanuts. I get the hunch that there will not be an heir apparent to Bernie Madoff and that government officials will be more aware of the "wire" amongst other things. Moreover, let's just hope that our light won't become dim before we can see what's down the tunnel. However, with what has been transpiring, would you really want a sneak peak of what's down the tunnel? Just saying..