The Premiere Of My Documentary (Click Here)

I posted the trailer to my documentary a little over a month ago roughly, and the feedback was pretty amazing. I've always had an affinity to show Kenya off and by shooting this brief, but interesting piece I feel that I've done just that, which is illustrate how wonderful of a country Kenya is.

For more on this documentary, please visit and feel free to please read the description so that you can get a better sense of what my mind frame was going into this fun project. I hope you enjoy what I have to share. If you find that clicking the title above or going to is inconvenient, I've enabled the video player below to show the documentary.


One Love,
God Bless.


Anonymous said…
hi Mwangi,

Pretty nice documentary...I wish someday I could travel and see Kenya, the safari and etc...Keep on writing, hope someday you'll get to publish your works.

Samuel M said…
Hey thanks so much Gregory!
I do apologize for the late response, which is well overdue. I've been away, especially in regards to this blog, but I'm now back.

I'm very appreciative that you enjoyed my documentary on Kenya. One day you'll go :). I will continue to write and btw I'm working on my first of two books, so you were right on with the publishing remarks. God willing.. Stay in touch.
BKRT said…
i'll have to read that someday