As I sit here packing, or procrastinating as I almost always do when it comes to travel, I feel refreshed. I can't figure out if it's because I haven't had a vacation in 3 yrs, or if it's because I just want to get away... far far away. A vacation couldn't come at a better time, since I've been relentlessly wrestling with goals, attempting to conquer missions, and living by the motto all work, no play. Now, it's time for me to play, but in a totally different atmosphere. An atmosphere that nutured, and created my sense of what diversity and hospitality should entail. That atmosphere is located in no other place, but Kenya. So, while I will be leaving during a monumental time in American History, I feel that me leaving at this time is my perfect way of viewing my side of the world from afar.
I have so many emotions running through me though, because I want to leave, but a part of me remains. But again, the timing of this trip couldn't come at a better time, and I feel fortunate and blessed. The truth though is, I REALLY need this break. I will be working from Kenya, as I set up my Skype and such, but for me, the wheels never stops.
I will probably blog from London, while watching or following rather, the presidential verdict. Nevertheless, a part of me wants to just get away from a computer or any device for a long while, and just chillax. We'll see...
Peace*Love&God Bless.
One Love,