Around this time of election year, individuals from your local barbershop, hair salon, down to business folk sit and clamor for all to hear about what needs to change in our country, let alone Government.
We are witnessing one of THE lowest points in our economic history, as some continue to prosper during these arduous times, to those who are struggling to tread above water. Look at the latter very closely, and you will see the average American who once felt safe and comfortable, now feel as though their allowance has been tailored in to the extreme, to where they now feel the pinch of an economy gone array. Sadly enough, the Country that we so proudly proclaim as the land of the free and opportunity, has remnants of a third world country in that job opportunities have dwindled mightily, people are losing homes, the poverty rate is increasing, even at a very stale rate, and so forth.
Now, I ask you all, is this how you would like things to stay or would you rather see change? If you're crying for CHANGE as most are, you must first register to vote. You can do so by visiting this website or any other legitimate site that deals with registration. Remember, America isn't just a Country. It is THE Country.
-November 4th 2008-
First Register
Peace*Love&God Bless.
"Life Tells You Nothing, It Shows You Everything." -Richard Bach-