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Ding! Ding! Ding! Let The Rumbling Begin..
My Thoughts On The Debate
Quite honestly, this was a great start to debate season ;).
I didn't miss one minute of it, because of the back and forth nature, the humorous banter and the body blows that were traded per se, which kept me on edge.
-I thought Mccain did a strong job in taxes, which was quite surprising considering Obama's stance on that topic for a while. It appeared as though he studied those points very studiously, and executed those points with great effectiveness.
-However, he steered away from countering some of the strong facts of Iraq, and didn't seem to have a good demeanor, that which was reminiscent of a poor sport, from a body language perspective.
-Obama on the other hand did an outstanding job, to my surprise on the war in general. Again, it's not that I underestimated his wherewithal on the topic, but given Mccain's background, I thought he would have had leverage in that area. Moreover, the way in which Obama used strong factual points ("You were wrong!") to strengthen his argument, dictated flow and titled momentum in his favor.
-The one thing I didn't like about the whole thing between the two was 1) Mccain continued to say "Obama doesn't know any better" or something of that nature. If someone were to say that to me, I would tell them to present the facts, as to WHY, that is so. Don't parade your way into saying "I did this or I did that" in order to hoola hoop your way around the topic. Tell the opponent why it is you feel that way and back it by facts, whether substantial or subtle.
-One of the things that disgusted me about Obama's strategy was how submissive he was to Mccain and somewhat defensive, agreeing continuously with some of Mccains points. If anything, the perfect curve ball in my opinion, would have been to reverse the "common portrayal" of being nonchalant, and go into attack mode, Consistently. He needed to be a bit more stern, a bit more fiesty and aggressive in my opinion. Not meek, but that's just not in his nature. He needs to be stronger, more decisive and definitive, but his presence and command is there.
-What I will say though, is that Obama is a bit savvier from a presidential standpoint, because he's not just a great speaker, but seems to be well equipped in areas of great strategy, knowledge, and wherewithal in each major area, whether it's health care, spending, war, the economy as a whole, education, etc. In other words, he isn't just well versed in one issue, but an array of them. That alone will help his case over this critical stretch.
-I could go on and on, but Overall, this was a tie of sorts. Mccain faired pretty well tonight I thought. Better than I envisioned.
-However, I strongly feel that Obama's sealing is far more superior than Mccain's, and that is where the optimism in the Obama camp, could fuel their strategy to flourish even more after tonight.
-One thing is for certain though. Just like a sporting match in which one is being defeated. You have to make half-time adjustments and go after it again. This is just the beginning..
-What I want to hear more of quite honestly is about the ECONOMY, and how the issues that we are facing, will get rectified.
-I think most of us know who remains at the forefront in regards to change. We still have to go through the weeds and see where the holes are in some of these plans. Plans of change that sound paramount...At least until someone is crowned.
The Saga Continues...